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Eye Jewelry
image Thanks to Mara for giving me a heads up about eye jewelry. This is jewelry attached to a contact lens that you wear dangling from your eye. It's real in the sense that artist Eric Klarenbeek really has designed examples of this concept. However, it isn't real in the sense that anyone actually goes around wearing this stuff (at least, I don't think they do). What I can't figure out is how people could blink with a piece of metal sticking out of their eye. Note that eye jewelry is different from eyeball jewelry (the latter is inserted into the eye itself).
Posted by Alex on Sun Aug 14, 2005
Comments (14)
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If you look at the original B&W photos of this on Klarenbeek's website, you can see that they are extra large contacts that cover much more than the retina. They extend down slightly below the lower eyelid, and the jewely pendant is fastened on just above the bottom eyelid. It would very easy to get used to having the obstruction there when you blink, once you got used to wearing X-size contacts. I don't see why someone in the haute-coutre world (jet set, modeling, Hollywood, etc.) wouldn't want to try this. Wouldn't give squat for it's survival on a windy day outdoors, though.
Posted by stork in the absense of glasses  on  Sun Aug 14, 2005  at  04:39 PM
that wire that dangles from the eyeball is a great vector for infection. Go for it, kids--here come the super bacteria!!!
Posted by amateur doctor  on  Sun Aug 14, 2005  at  07:21 PM
Erk...speaking as a contact lense wearer, I would've thought something like this would be extremely uncomfortable.

Not to mention that I'm a little surprised that a soft lense would withstand having a piece of wire (with additional decorative bits) attached. And a quick comparison with the B&W pics that Stork is referring to with my own lenses, these lenses look like standard soft lenses. Not oversized at all!
Posted by Smerk  on  Sun Aug 14, 2005  at  07:47 PM
How totally gross.
Posted by BugbearSloth  on  Mon Aug 15, 2005  at  03:30 AM
I am some confused about this eye jewelry... When the Woman lies on her back, wouldn't the dangling things fall to the side? The eye jewelry would, too, no? Rrrraoul
Posted by Raoul  on  Mon Aug 15, 2005  at  08:33 AM
I guess contact lenses themselves also qualify as "eye jewelry"-- not the transparent ones (they only help you see better), but all the ones that change the color of the eye or make it look like a tiger eye or a spiral or whatever.

These dangling thingies look very unpleasant to me, but then, so do tattoos, piercings, scarification, tongue splitting, breast implants, botox injections, and all those other body modifications that are all the rage these days.
Posted by Big Gary in Dallas  on  Mon Aug 15, 2005  at  04:35 PM
>>>These dangling thingies look very unpleasant to me, but then, so do tattoos, piercings, scarification, tongue splitting, breast implants, botox injections, and all those other body modifications that are all the rage these days.<<<

But none of those things force you to take the risk of having your eye put out by a wire when someone bumps into you. No, not even the piercings.....

So I gotta say this is worse. Boy, nothing is so stupid that some grant-hungry art/fashion fag won't try it, huh?
Posted by Barghest  on  Tue Aug 16, 2005  at  12:47 AM
I fail to see the problem with it as art, but it would be daft as fashion, in terms of danger to vision.
Posted by Boo  on  Tue Aug 16, 2005  at  02:13 AM
Silly me. And here I thought that jewelry was supposed to make a person appear more attractive.
Posted by cvirtue  on  Tue Aug 16, 2005  at  06:03 PM

Posted by Mark-N-Isa  on  Tue Aug 16, 2005  at  10:02 PM
Silly me. And here I thought that jewelry was supposed to make a person appear more attractive. - cvirtue

If that were the case we wouldn't have piercings.
Posted by Charybdis  on  Wed Aug 17, 2005  at  08:43 AM
Ouch! My eyes are tearing just hearing about this!

How the heck can this be considered visually appealing? This is incredibly dangerous, scary and not even attractive! Ugh!

Posted by Connie  on  Thu Aug 18, 2005  at  06:46 AM
that eye candy looks pretty cool I think I'm going to get some when they come out 😊
Posted by Kelley  on  Sun Aug 28, 2005  at  03:18 PM
oh boy... this one is... interesting...

I would say in all honesty, that this is either totally fake... or is not really what it says it is... lol

I wear contacts, and if anything is even slightly odd/off about them, they scratch and burn like hell...
Attaching anything to them like this, would only make them very very uncomfortable, since it would make the lens drift down your eye from gravity, or would get in the way of your blinking... >_>
Posted by kiko  on  Tue Aug 30, 2005  at  02:04 AM
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