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Angel Light Sees Through Walls
image Troy Hurtubise claims that he's invented a machine, dubbed the Angel Light, that can see through walls. It doesn't really matter what the wall is made of: wood, ceramic, steel, tin, titanium, even lead. The Angel Light can see right through it, just as if a window had opened up in the wall. Of course, he built this thing in his garage (where else?). The idea for the invention came to him in a dream, and he built it without the aid of any blueprints, drawings or schematics. Although Troy may hope to one day be known throughout the world as the inventor of the Angel Light, he's already well known as the inventor of the URSUS MARK VII, a suit that can help a man withstand the attack of a Grizzly Bear (see that suit in the right corner of the thumbnail? That's the Grizzly suit). So from Grizzly Bear suits to Machines That Can See Through Walls. No one can accuse him of not having an interesting resume.
Categories: Technology
Posted by Alex on Tue Jan 18, 2005
Comments (401)
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The MIT fellow who observed it doesn't seem too professional, somehow.
I don't know why, but I'm a bit hesitant to believe that this thing really works.
Posted by Citizen Premier  on  Tue Jan 18, 2005  at  11:46 PM
iFilm has the video in the Viral section.

Posted by Dan  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  08:29 AM
Why? And does he live near me?
Posted by artemys  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  10:24 AM
Why, if it saw straight through his garage wall, did it not see straight through his car? Or is a car fundamentally different from, say, the metal wall that he also claims it can see through? What kind of focussing is he pretending it does? He didn't mention it once. It's one hell of a range, from being able to see through his skin to show up everything beneath as if he'd flayed his hand, all the way to seeing through a good few feet of wall.
Posted by Iain  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  11:52 AM
Whoever does fact-checking at is gonna get creamed over this. I'd bet a lot of money there never was any "Discovery Channel program about the LIMBC"...that's a brain-dead slam-dunk five-minute task for any fact-checker.

Then there's the fact that the whole story is hilarious from start to finish. "...covert help of scientists at the famed Massachusetts Institute of Technology..." :lol:

I'm also guessing there is no such person as "Gary Dryfoos, a consultant and former long-time instructor at MIT..."

This is particularly rich: "<my> MIT contacts... told me that I was playing with electromagnetism.
Posted by intjudo  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  12:56 PM
Aparently there are reporters out there who will believe any and everything you tell them. I agree with intjudo. Ten minutes spent fact checking would have buried this story. The reporter obviously didn't bother to go and have the machine demonstrated for him, either. But, then, I guess there would have been no story.
Posted by Carl  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  01:18 PM
Gary Dryfoos does indeed have a Web page on MIT's site but it has little or no content related to science and lots of content related to hoaxes and other fun stuff: the Daily Onion, Daily Howler etc. as well as links to comics, "legalize weed" stuff etc. It's listed in google as "The weirdest page on the web."

If you do an alumni search for him at he doesn't show up.

There are also comments on this at,

or try the google cache at"Gary+Dryfoos+"+-mason+-masonry+-masonic&hl=en

*And* this isn't the first story has published about this Troy Hurtubise! Check out their Oct 2003 story about his "fire paste:"

The only "documentary" I can find him in involves his "bear suit:"

the reviews I found at don't give it too much credibility...

This guy looks like a "repeat offender" to me.
Posted by intjudo  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  01:51 PM
This guy is a me I can't stop...

Check this out regarding his "blast cushion:"

He's the proud past recipient of the "IG-Nobel Prize" for his bear suit:

Here are pictures of him "lecturing at MIT:" I'm kinda starting to feel sad for the guy, he's making an ass out of himself...
Posted by intjudo  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  02:13 PM
I've seen news coverage in the past about the bear-proof suit. Apparently it really is more or less impervious to bear attacks. However, it weighs as much as a load of bricks and it's impossible to move when you have it on. So the challenge will be to explain to potential buyers what advantage this suit gives them over just staying home (assuming their houses aren't infested with grizzly bears).

It seems the inventor was once attacked by a bear, and ever since then (many years ago now), he's devoted his life to perfecting bear-proof armor. As intjudo says, you can't help feeling sorry for the guy, even if he does keep making a jackass of himself.
Posted by Big Gary C  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  04:09 PM
The guy sounds like he doesn't mind wasting money on useless endevours. Wonder where it comes from? The movie review which stated he was trying to escape his father's (also a lunatic inventor type I imagine) shadow. Most likely he's done that, but at the price of becoming an electromagnetic hoax magnet.
Posted by sbnature  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  05:04 PM
Well I do remember seeing a show on the science channel, on which he showed off his invention fire paste. It was in fact, according to the show, real. Wether or not the show was duped, Im not sure, but the tests they put the paste through certainly seemed to prove that the fire paste, did in fact, operated as promised.
Posted by Jerry  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  09:11 PM

this is a link to a discovery channel video demonstration.

now maybe intjudo can STFU! and do 5 seconds of fact checking himself.
Posted by norton  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  01:32 AM
OK, I found the Discovery Channel "documentaries:"

fire paste:

"1313" hardening compound with his fire-paste, metal sheets, kevlar & other materials-- "Light Infantry Military Glass Cushions."

Here's a telling snip from
"...But engulfed in flames, the <bear suit> proved permeable to fire.

Resolved to perfect his fireproof coating, Hurtubise started mixing. Within a few months, he fluked upon the winning formula (the secret ingredient is Diet Coke). 'I do things 30% intelligence and 70% luck,' says Hurtubise.

Apparently this guy's specialty is hacking around in the garage "inventing" things that withstand contrived "demonstrations" but are too cumbersome to apply in the real world, then talking them up too much. Starting with the "bear suit" which is too heavy and bulky to actually use. *And* is not fire-proof, which he learned the hard way. :lol: So he invents "fire paste" (to make his bear suit even more cumbersome?), but doesn't understand why it seems to work, and has to have some real scientists explain it to him.
Posted by intjudo  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  02:00 AM

Phil Novak

Gary Dryfoos

Same person. This has been cracked.
Posted by LePoissonDeNoel  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  02:43 AM
Gary Dryfoos and I are not the same person.

Troy isn't the only one working on technology that can "see" through walls.

I refer your readers to the company Realtronics, in Hermosa, South Dakota. They also say they have developed or are developing something which can penetrate walls or the inside of mountain caves.

Why don't you guys laugh at that company for a while?

As for the editing department, that's me!

Thanks for pointing out the missed word. It has since been corrected.
Posted by Phil Novak  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  08:53 AM
"I refer your readers to the company Realtronics, in Hermosa, South Dakota."

would you mean a company that produced this shoddy website that looks was thrown together in an hour to add depth the hoax you mean?

"Why don't you guys laugh at that company for a while?"

thanks i will, and you as well. ha ha.
Posted by corb  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  09:36 AM
Time Domain Corporation, among others, manufactures a device called ultra-wideband radio, among whose other properties include being able to image through walls. It's relatively new, but it is not Nobel prize stuff.

It uses extremely short pulses, around a picosecond or so, and senses the reflection time, just as does a normal non-Doppler radar.

Also, thermal imaging can provide information on what is behind walls, such as studs and wiring.

This 'garage inventor' most likely would not have the inherent smarts to deal with these issues, unless he had a fair amount of formal training, a large test equipment budget, and a lot of money to blow on state of the art hardware. It could be that he does have all of these.

The critical thing is to not dismiss the idea out of hand, even though anyone who claims 'New laws of physics need to be written' advertises something about their understanding of physics and physical laws that make my skeptic antenna emerge.
Posted by Forrest MacGregor  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  09:42 AM
Well it is no secret that there are tons of particles that penetrate solid materials. Its just that most of them are highly unstable and it does not explain what causes the light to bounce back to allow him to see things.

This guy has been on TV as few times (I have seen the shows). But his Bear suit is a joke now and the fire paste must have some problem or else it would have been bought by now.

He invents mostly by luck, however since he does not follow the usual paradigm of scientific progession he theoretically could stumble across something new.

However I doubt that this angel viewer does every thing he says. At any rate it sounds incredibly dangerous.
Posted by bks  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  09:44 AM
Project Grizzly is very funny, a must see for all lovers of those funny talk'in northeners.
Posted by jay  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  09:59 AM
This guy was a guest on Coast To Coast AM last night. WEEOOOWEEEOOOOWWWWEEEOOOO. Here comes the nice young men in their clean white coats.
Posted by Hairy Houdini  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  10:12 AM
The "ray" is probably a simple light projector with a camera on the other side of the object being "seen through" sending a signal. This is how that Japanese scientist is demonstrating a "cloaking device". Probably a copycat of the method.
Posted by -lc-  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  11:06 AM
There's a pretty quick way to debunk this article:

Note that all we see is a picture of the device, but we never actually see it working. Like, if it's so amazing, old Troy-boy shoulda turned it on and let the reporter snap a pic of it working (not like it couldn't be faked, but still).

This is the WORST piece of "journalism" I've ever seen. The writer should be ashamed. No attempt to do even the most preliminary vetting. No discussions with an actual physicist who could have shot holes in the description from now 'til Domesday.

Be very ashamed of what you have wroght.
Posted by Skid Marky Mark  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  11:29 AM
At least the journalist knows how to spell.
Posted by Proofreader  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  11:41 AM
From the description, it sounds as if he's in part built a very high-powered wide spectrum EMF generator which goes up into the X-ray range. In that case, he probably has only a few years to live.

An unshielded X-ray source is supposed to be pretty easy to build - in the '30s a lot of home science magazines and small presses published plans for them. You can find some of them in reprint presses. The big problem with them is that in the space of a few days of operation they can generate enough stray X-ray radiation to give leukemia to pretty much everyone within a few hundred feet of the machine.
Posted by C Royston  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  01:49 PM
Whether or not this guy is a schmuck, and I believe he probably is, Ultra-Wideband sensing is on the horizon, and is being actively researched in Universities and Startup and R&D companies.

Basically the technology is based on using a wider range of elecromagnetic Frequencies than just light, many of which traval through walls. For instance, infared and microwave radiation can be used alongside visible light to flesh out a person's knowledge of their environment, including areas and things that are visibly obscured by other objects.

So I may not be able to "see" through the garage door, but I may be able to "sense" that there is a large mass in the shape of a car. I may also be able to distinguish, for instance, concrete from metal from flesh. You can imagine how useful this could be.

Stay tuned folks, we're in for an interesting future.
Posted by Ben W.  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  02:09 PM
Im going to have to come to the conclusion that the story is bunk and I am ashamed of the journalism (or lack there of) that went into it.

Furthermore... C Royston has one hell of a point! Though I do not wish for the mans death by any means; the article seems to indicate that he will be having a rough time in the near future!
Posted by egawn  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  03:14 PM
Several comments back someone called Realtronics' website shoddy. Hate to say it, but most small defense contractors websites are shoddy (take a look at ours,, for example).
I think what Hurtubise has done is use T-wave (terahertz wave) radar. Probably the same thing that Ben W. is referring to. It's legit. Not sure how the EMP effect falls out of it, however.

Posted by Lawson Reilly  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  03:16 PM
Hrumph...well, I expressed an *opinion* about the likelihood of the existence of a "Discovery Channel documentary" about the Light Infrantry Military Blast Custions...and was taken to task about my *fact* checking. As if I have the same level of responsibility for checking my *opinions* as Reporters have for checking claims they represent as facts.

That being said, I still question the validity of this piece as a "documentary." In this "documentary" there is only *one* person speaking to the properties of the LIMBC: the same guy who "invented" them and is very obviously trying to *sell* them. 😜

There is no comment from any outside, neutral person as to the validity of the test itself, the uniqueness of the cusions, etc. The only quote from the "Canadian military representative" is given to us guessed it...our man the inventor!

Here's the "quote:"
"'He looked at me more than once and said, 'I'm impressed'. I mean, you can't say much more than that.'" Well I must say, I'm convinced! :roll:

He also beefs it up with his own opinions. In the reporter's words:

(He's sure he's made) "a big step toward convincing the canadian military" (of the value of the cushions). Golly!

"He's pretty sure (captn. wyonzak) is going to leave impressed." Naturally, according to the reporter the Captain "...isn't permitted to say what he thought of the demonstration." Gee Willikers!

No interviews with anyone else in this "documentary." No materials engineers, no outside expert opinions, nothing.

Anyone who buys into this kind of "proof" of the man's validity needs to look into the herd of Invisible Pink Unicorns I have for sale.

Then, onto the now-familiar over-inflation of his accomplishents: witness our man shouting, "I'M THE KING OF THE MOUNTAIN!" while jumping madly about.

Well, at least now the good folks at can say they weren't the only ones hoodwinked by this guy. Looks to me like he snowed the Daily Planet as well.
Posted by intjudo  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  03:39 PM
I'm interested in a pink unicorn. How much are they going for?
Posted by Justin Sharp  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  06:33 PM
Hey you happen to have any Invisible Purple Unicorns with gold horns? I would like to buy one! 😊
Posted by Myst  on  Thu Jan 20, 2005  at  07:11 PM
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