The April Fool’s Day Database

It may seem like I've been neglecting the site, but that's not true. Actually, I've been busy adding a new feature to it: The April Fool's Day Database. Over the years I've collected a lot of info about April Fools, but it was all disorganized, posted in a variety of places. So I figured it needed to be gathered together in one place and categorized. It was one of those jobs that turned out to be much larger than I originally anticipated, but it's now mostly done. (Well, about three-quarters done.) And it's already, without a doubt, the largest collection of information about April Fool's Day anywhere, online or offline. Not that there's much competition in the field of April Fool's Day research, because most people are sane enough not to spend their time tracking down information about old pranks and hoaxes.

So anyway, it's now possible to browse through categories such as April Fool's Day Botany, April Fool's Day cartoons, and even Loch Ness Monster-Themed April Fool's Day Hoaxes. How the world managed to survive before without this information, I don't know.

April Fools Day

Posted on Thu Mar 12, 2009


Hurrah! We are saved!
Posted by Accipiter  on  Fri Mar 13, 2009  at  09:40 AM
Is there a category of Nobel Prize Alex could be awarded for this important research achievement? Lord knows the man deserves some recognition...
(Keep it up Alex!)
Posted by kat  on  Fri Mar 13, 2009  at  07:51 PM
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