Remote Control Hunting

image If you'd like to go hunting, but, for one reason or another, you don't want to get up from your computer, there's a new option available: remote control hunting. is a site that allows its members to control, via the internet, a pan/tilt/zoom camera located on a ranch in Texas. The camera, in turn, is connected to a rifle. Aim your shot and fire away. Sounds a little odd, but I guess there's no reason a system like this couldn't be set up. But currently live-shot will only allow you to remotely fire a gun that's in a shooting range. But their site promises that in the near future they're going to allow members to remotely hunt animals such as sheep, antelope, and wild hogs. They'll even ship you the meat from your kill. I don't know quite how the remote control hunting will work (what if an animal never wanders within sight... will your gun somehow be mobile?), but the concept of it has the Texas Parks & Wildlife Commission worried. They're considering a new regulation that would ban "hunting by remote control" (look at the second-to-last bullet point under 'white-tailed deer'). I think I'd support such a ban. The fusion of video games and real-life hunting seems a little disturbing.

Sports Technology

Posted on Tue Nov 09, 2004


Look somebody is hiking there!!
Nice 😉
Posted by Loxx  on  Wed Nov 10, 2004  at  01:52 PM
Nope, not a hoax. TDWP is submitting a change in existing hunting laws to ban remote control hunting.
Posted by vic303  on  Wed Nov 17, 2004  at  01:28 PM
This insidious profilgation of such idiotic, and NON-Sporting activity, is horrible. What we need to do in the US is learn about compassion and morality, not propagate violence. Aren't the video games bad enough? What crap!
Posted by Pat Porter  on  Sun Nov 21, 2004  at  04:55 PM
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