Hello, Nessie!

Well, this is one of the lamer Nessie photos I've ever seen. Not even a head poking above the water! The video is even worse than the photo.

Hello Nessie, it must be that time of year...
Daily Mail

An amateur photographer has captured an eerie photo from the shore of Loch Ness which could encourage those who believe in tales of a monster living beneath the surface of the lake. The image was taken by David Elder at Fort Augustus, at the south-west end of the 23-mile-long body of water in northern Scotland. It shows a long bow wave apparently caused by some sort of disturbance on the surface of the loch.


Posted on Mon Aug 26, 2013


The Loch Ness thing's getting a bit sad now. Am I the only one who thinks perhaps it's stretched on long enough? I love the Loch. It's an eerily special place, and the kind of wakes that are shown in this video are common but can look creepy from certain angles. But, notwithstanding clear evidence (or a really clever, fun hoax), I think the tabloids could let the beastie rest. Just my thoughts.
Posted by Triv  on  Mon Aug 26, 2013  at  11:37 PM
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