Fake Konrad Kujau Fakes

Status: Art Forgeries
Konrad Kujau was the forger responsible for creating the Hitler Diaries. After he served his prison sentence, he became something of a minor celebrity in Germany, and his "authentic fakes" of famous paintings became sought after in their own right by collectors. Kujau died in 2000, but now his great-niece, Petra, has been charged with selling hundreds of fakes of his fakes. The Times reports that:

Petra Kujau, 47, faces fraud charges for selling at least 500 fake Kujaus to clients worldwide through an internet auction site for more than €550,000 (£381,000). Some of the oil paintings, bought from art schools in Asia for as little as €10 apiece, fetched up to €3,500 because the Kujau signature inflated their value.

I wonder if these fake Kujau forgeries will now also become collector's items? I wouldn't mind having one to hang in my office, but only if I can get it for €10, not €3,500.


Posted on Mon Apr 24, 2006


Well, Alex, if you're looking for a fake of a fake of one of Kujau's fake paintings, I think I can set you up with one.

Phoniness, but not quality, guaranteed.
Posted by Big Gary in Uncertain, Texas  on  Mon Apr 24, 2006  at  04:27 PM
Very generous offer, Gary. You can start a new career as a forger, thrice removed.
Posted by The Curator  in  San Diego  on  Mon Apr 24, 2006  at  08:12 PM
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