The April Fool Archive

Pineapple Juice Tower    (April Fool's Day - 1935)

The Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung reported that Honolulu's famous pineapple-shaped water tower, which stood over the cannery of the Dole Food Co., was actually filled with pineapple juice, not water. The juice was supplied free of charge through a "special pipe network" to the homes of employees of the pineapple company, after six o'clock in the evening.

Honolulu Land of Plenty
After Six in the Evening: Pineapple Juice Free in the Home

Lucky Hawaii... Pineapple juice cheaper than tap water. The Honolulu landmark: the pineapple tower, whose gigantic reservoir provides households free pineapple juice.

On the hawaiian islands, the production of pineapple fruits has developed into an industry that covers 70 percent of world demand for pineapples. The pineapple tower delivers pineapple juice through a special pipe network to the households of employees of the pineapple manufacturer, after six o'clock in the evening. It is cheaper than water because of the high water taxes.

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